The #1 Concussion Management App for Educational Institutions

Protecting Students and Institutes

CAPT transforms existing concussion protocols into streamlined, accessible processes tailored for institutional environments. This innovation removes the guesswork and simplifies concussion management and recovery, ensuring teachers, school nurses, and administrators can efficiently support student-athletes from any mobile device.

CAPT provides first-class care for students while mitigating risk across your school.


Streamline Processes

CAPT Features for Educational Institutions

User-Friendly Mobile Access

Teachers, school nurses, and administrators can manage concussion protocols from any mobile device, ensuring immediate and convenient access to critical information.

Real-Time Notifications

CAPT sends instant updates to all relevant school personnel, including teachers, coaches, and parents, ensuring everyone is informed about the student-athletes status.

Comprehensive Documentation

The platform allows for detailed recording of concussion incidents, symptoms, and recovery steps, providing a clear and organized record for school health offices.

Step-by-Step Recovery Protocols

CAPT offers a structured return-to-play and return-to-learn process, ensuring students follow a safe and supervised recovery path.

Parental Involvement

Parents receive real-time updates and access to documentation, keeping them informed and engaged in their child's recovery process.

Educational Resources

The platform includes educational materials tailored for school settings, helping teachers and staff recognize concussion symptoms and understand management protocols.

Customizable Protocols

Schools can tailor the platform to align with their specific concussion management policies, ensuring compliance with district and state guidelines.

Enhanced Communication

CAPT facilitates seamless communication between school staff, parents, and healthcare providers, promoting a collaborative approach to student-athlete care.

Analytics and Reporting

Schools can access detailed reports and analytics to monitor the effectiveness of concussion management protocols and make data-driven decisions to improve student safety.

Digital Innovation In Concussion Management

Transforming Educationial Institutes' Concussion Protocol Processes

Eliminate your risk and liability by moving away from manual processes and paper trails.

A digital platform like CAPT streamlines concussion protocols for teachers by providing instant access and real-time updates, reducing manual paperwork and enhancing communication. This efficiency allows teachers to focus more on student support and ensure protocols are followed accurately.

CAPT makes it easier to manage concussions in large organizations.

Getting Back To Class

How Does CAPT Help Educational Institutes?

CAPT unifies processes within large organizations such as schools or school boards by providing a centralized, digital platform for managing concussion protocols. This ensures that all employees, from teachers to administrators, have consistent access to real-time updates and standardized procedures, enhancing coordination and efficiency across the entire organization.

By streamlining communication and documentation, CAPT helps maintain a cohesive approach to student safety and protocol adherence.

Unifying Large Organizations

Who Does CAPT Help?

CAPT unifies all levels of a school board and education system to ensure a cohesive approach to concussion management and recovery. The platform aligns teachers, school nurses, administrators, and parents with standardized protocols and real-time updates, facilitating efficient and consistent care for student-athletes.

By streamlining communication and documentation, CAPT ensures that every stakeholder is informed and engaged, promoting a safe and swift recovery process. This unified effort enhances the overall effectiveness of concussion protocols, minimizing risks and ensuring the well-being of students.

CAPT supports school boards by offering a centralized digital platform that ensures consistent application of concussion protocols across all schools in the district. This unification enhances compliance with safety regulations, reduces liability, and provides comprehensive data analytics to track the effectiveness of concussion management practices district-wide.

Principals benefit from CAPT through streamlined communication and efficient management of concussion protocols within their schools. The platform provides real-time updates and detailed records, enabling principals to oversee and support their staff in managing student concussions effectively. This ensures that all safety protocols are followed and that the school environment remains safe and compliant.

Principle of school smiling.

For faculty members, CAPT simplifies the concussion management process by providing clear, step-by-step protocols and immediate access to essential information via mobile devices. This reduces the administrative burden on teachers and school nurses, allowing them to focus on providing direct support to affected students and ensuring a timely and accurate response to concussion incidents.

CAPT keeps parents informed and engaged in their child's recovery process through real-time notifications and access to comprehensive documentation. This transparency ensures that parents are aware of their child's condition and the steps being taken to ensure a safe return to play and learning. The platform fosters trust and collaboration between parents and the school, enhancing overall student well-being.

Parent helping their child with school homework.

Students benefit from CAPT by receiving timely and appropriate care for concussions, facilitated by the platform's efficient management and communication tools. CAPT empowers students by providing them with information about their recovery process, helping them understand the importance of following protocols and engaging actively in their own health and safety. This support ensures a safer and more effective return to their academic and athletic activities.

Student listening to teacher in class.
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CAPT's Platform

Make Managing Concussions Easier For Everyone

Academic Inquiries

Frequently Asked Questions

How does CAPT streamline concussion management for schools?

CAPT digitizes and centralizes concussion protocols, making them accessible from any mobile device. This ensures that all staff members, from teachers to administrators, can quickly and consistently apply protocols, reducing manual paperwork and improving efficiency.

Yes, CAPT is designed to integrate seamlessly with existing school management systems. Our team will work with you to ensure smooth integration, including data migration and system configuration, to minimize disruption and ensure continuity.

CAPT provides customizable protocols that align with state and district guidelines, ensuring that all concussion management practices comply with relevant regulations. The platform’s detailed documentation and reporting features help demonstrate adherence to these guidelines.

CAPT offers comprehensive training and onboarding support, including tutorials, webinars, and one-on-one sessions. Our support team is also available for ongoing assistance, ensuring that all school staff are comfortable and proficient in using the platform.

CAPT facilitates real-time communication by sending instant notifications and updates to all members of the circle of care, including parents. This ensures that parents are kept informed about their child’s condition and the steps being taken for recovery, fostering transparency and collaboration.

Speak with the Experts

Contact Our Team!

School Boards and Districts

Contact us to learn how CAPT can help streamline concussion protocols across your entire district, ensuring consistent application and compliance with state regulations.

Public and Private Institutions

Reach out to discover how CAPT can simplify concussion management in your school, providing real-time updates and comprehensive documentation for optimal student safety.


Ensure the well-being of your student-athletes by utilizing CAPT's advanced platform for immediate and effective concussion management, protecting them when they need it most.

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